Buscoby Don Imports

NOTE: For smaller packages such as barrels, boxes, etc. click here 

Welcome to our vehicle import services for sourcing, purchasing and importing left hand drive vehicles into the Caribbean from the United States. We also help with financing for those in need.

Instructions: Fill out the form and someone will contact you shortly.

Other Fees

Fee for sourcing requested vehicle: $115 USD

Fee for acquiring financing if needed: $85 USD

Both fees are request refundable upon successful completion of vehicle import

Serious enquiries only. Pay your sourcing fee(s)

Custom Fees

All custom fees will be presented to you before proceeding, once you have selected a vehicle and it has been acquired.

NOTE: It is the importer's responsibility to familiarize his or herself with the most recent Customs Regulations as it relates to the policies, procedures, import requirements, duties and taxes, that may be applicable to importing vehicles into the Caribbean. Get your vehicle shipped from the US to any Caribbean Island with Buscoby Don Imports. Easy process, affordable rates, and reliable delivery to all Caribbean Islands.

For A Personal Quote

Contact Us Now!

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